Tag Archives: vet

Archive: poem for Abby.

My cat got hit by a car this week. She ran away, we found her alive the next day, no broken bones just dislocated. She is on the road to recovery. Hopefully there aren’t too many forks in that road.

Meanwhile, to try to get through the worry, I wrote this for her and am posting as a kind of replacement blog service.


For Abby

I don’t suppose I’ll forget these hours

Looking for you and wondering,


If you would die alone.

Maybe a goodbye would be easier

But who for?

I  promised I wouldn’t keep you alive

To please myself

That our lives were separate

I understand for real now

That love hurts.

In those moments,

Love separated us-

No, our heartbeats did.

You can count distance in heartbeats- six to you, four to me.

I was always sure that ours beat the same, no matter what they said.

Yours too fast

Mine too slow

Maybe our biggest error was trying to match.

My worst nightmare unfolds and replays

I fold in and spread out

And hope

And pray

And lose hope

And stop praying.

But you surpass us and you never stopped running for me

This love is dangerous and you’ll never forget it

Am I worthy of that kind of love that you spread to me

Without even thinking to look before you run?

You breathe to mask the pain

Or to bear it

Who knows?

And i guess in my way

That’s what I’m doing too

Until I forget to breathe

And the hurt catches up

And it takes all i have to reclaim air

For myself again

And get dressed

And persuade myself into the next thing

While I look at your soreness with my questions and fears and inadequacies

Where the answer is:


I will do anything for you.

For love.

For us.

Even if it means letting go

But not until you’re ready

You weren’t

When I thought I was.

How could I think that was fair?

And you fought when I couldn’t be strong.

I’m the fool asking how I can get through this

When you grit your teeth and scream and there, you bloom and stretch

And I watch and eat my skin, a nervous wreck-

Maybe both of us will survive after all.

The_Understanding_by_yourladyofsorrowcirca 2006

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